Tuesday, May 17, 2005

SIFF 2005

The Seattle International Film Festival is almost here. In less than a week, thousands of Seattle-ites will respond to the longer, warmer, sunnier days by rushing into darkened theaters and watching movies all day. Admittedly, it's better to wait in line to get in the theater when it's nice and sunny versus when it's raining, but it's still a bit odd that we choose to have this festival just as the weather is starting to improve.

This year's festival features 182 films, 55 documentaries, and 111 shorts from around the world. We had to contain ourselves to just over a dozen films over the course of the three or so weeks. Trust me, we could have easily done twice as many.

I'll try to post some movie reviews of what we see after the fact, as well as general takes on how the festival's going, how the crowd's reacting, and any director/actor/movie mogul sightings.

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