Monday, May 30, 2005

Review: Izo (SIFF 2005)

Having spent 2 hours with this movie, I'm not going to spend more time than is necessary with this review. Izo is quite simply a movie about a crucified samurai who transcends time and space to return to the world of the living and wreak havoc. Like most of Takashi Miike's films, this movie has plenty of gore and blood. However, unlike some of his other films, this one is also chock full of pointless philosophical drivel, badly-choreographed fight scenes, an irritating folk guitar soundtrack, and bad CGI. It's a disappointing product from an otherwise unique and talented director.

If you're really curious, rent it. If you're not, simply avoid it.

Overall rating: 1.0/10.0

Runtime: 128m
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, same opinion. Go watch your friend play some sword beat'em'up on a video game console for 2 hours and have somebody reading philosophical stuff that's everything but new - like "violence is bad and leads to more violence which is worse which leads to even more violence" - and that's what Izo is about. Some philosophy is to be found here which is the same of any other anti war movies. Only that IZO obviously was made by somebody who loves aesthetic violence pics. IZO is plain boring, one HUGE massacre and nothing else. Like watching a soldier fighting himself throught hordes of enemies 2 hours long, no real background information. Watch your friend play "Blood will tell" (PS2), it is more entertaining. Even watching my water closet flush is more fun.