Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Adventures In The World Of Cat Excrement

Not too long ago, one of our cats began to poop outside his box. It happened once in a while, so we figured it surely must have been an accident on his part, surely. After about a month of this, the sans-box poop began to appear more frequently, and before long we had a daily treat of extra-box poop to deal with.

More recently, the situation escalated. We came home one day to the wonderful smell of cat pee in the closet where the litter boxes sit. Sure enough, someone had peed on the carpet outside the box (conveniently close to the poop that had also been deposited outside the box). A quick trip to the store yielded some Resolve carpet cleaner to help the situation. While it cured some of the smell, it didn't seem to break the habit of using the carpet as a toilet; the pooping and peeing continued.

I decided to turn to the illustrious Web for help. I read quite a few tips and tricks for getting rid of the smell in an effort to discourage repeat offenses (vinegar, enzymatic cleaners, Oxy-Clean, etc.). But one product came recommended by several people as a way to get cats back in the box: Cat Attract litter.

A trip yesterday to PetSmart yielded a 20 pound bag of the stuff. I dumped one of the boxes and filled it with the litter. I then showed it to our pissed-off (literally) cat.

As if by magic, he looked in the box, got in the box, pooped, turned around a few times, peed, and hopped out. Amazing!

I must sound like one of those Ron Popeil customer testimonials, but hey, the litter did the trick. No more carpet-for-toilet, thanks to the enchanted litter.

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