Friday, December 26, 2008

The South Earns Low Scores On America's Health Index

Thanks to a tweet from my county's executive, I took a gander at the state-by-state rankings of overall health. Guess where most of the low rankings exist? That's right: the southeast.

Why? Check out some of what these states were penalized for: obesity, childhood poverty, low graduation rates from high school, high rates of the uninsured, and violent crime. And there are reasons why these issues are more prevalent in these states than others (that's a whole other post).

I know the incoming Obama administration has promised to focus its energies closer to home as compared to the prior administration. I do hope they take a hard look at what parts of the country are suffering the most, why they're the way they ware, and target some novel solutions to them. Blanket solutions like tax cuts for the middle class won't hurt, but we need something more specific to cure these states' ills.

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