Sunday, November 04, 2007

Stop The Political Telemarketing!

This weekend, my phone has been ringing off the hook. You'd think I was featured on some TV show, and people are calling to comment on the smashing shirt that I wore or something. No. Instead, people who are paid by political campaigns to call registered voters have been calling me, urging me to vote for their candidate.

Now, the interruptions are bad enough, but what's worse is half of these calls are recordings. They're not even willing to sit a real human on the other end of the line, but instead want me to listen to a computer spouting a recorded message of support from a local public figure.

Next time someone calls, I'm going to inform them that I am seriously considering voting against the candidate who they are trying to get me to vote for. I know, I know, "you have to play the game" politically, and if you don't make these calls and your competition does, then what?

I'll tell you what: how about your platform & promises be enough to carry you through an election, instead of relying on last-minute "please please vote for me!" calls?

And the reward for this election season being over next Tuesday? The run-up to the 2008 elections, of course, and the never-ending rhetoric, ads, and mud-slinging that will accompany them. I feel like I'm already done with those elections, and they're still a year away.


Anonymous said...

that's why I'm glad 1) I'm not a registered Seattle voter (east side) and 2) i don't have a home phone and they can't call cell phones!


Shaun said...


Unfortunately, you can't stop it. Also, if the pols get your cell phone, they can call cell phones, there are no laws to prevent it.

There is, however, a new non-partisan, non-profit org that is starting a citizen led movement to fight back.


Shaun Dakin

George said...

Thanks for the link, Shaun. I assume the movement below is yet to be sponsored by the government, unlike the current "do not call" list designed to block telemarketers. Given that the same politicians who fund these calls are the ones who would be voting on such a plan, I wonder if this will ever become reality. One can hope, I guess.