Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"Halo - The Movie" article indirectly disses me

According to this article in the Seattle Times, there may be a Halo movie in the works. But what I noticed in the article was this line:

To be sure, there is little else in Microsoft's product library that could similarly inspire Hollywood. "The Adventures of SharePoint Portal Server 2003," anyone? Anyone?

Hey, wait a sec - I worked on that product! I'm sure we could have 90 minutes of entertainment in, er...building intranet portals, crawling documents, finding information that I need...yeah...that's it.


sangeet said...

you worked on sharepoint 2003? oh my... we need to talk.

George said...

Sure, send me an email ...

... (says George, hoping he doesn't have to publish his email for all to see :) ).

Anonymous said...

i can only wish that they come out w/a movie