Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lies In Headlines

I hate it when news mediums go the sensationalistic route. Take, for example, this article. The headline:

If trends continue, we’ll all be fat in 40 years

Whoa! And the subheadline:

Researchers: By 2048, every American could be at least slightly overweight

Whoa! Could that be true? Is it really possible that every single American could be at least a little overweight in 40 years? That's easy: no. And the article admits this:

“Genetically and physiologically, it should be impossible” for all U.S. adults to become overweight, said Dr. Lan Liang...However, she told Reuters Health, the data suggest that if the trends of the past 30 years persist, “that is the direction we’re going.”
Ah, so the headline should have been: American obesity rates are on the rise. But that wouldn't be as eye-catching or sensational, now, would it? And, it's not really news given recent reports on obesity rates, is it?

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