Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ferrari Boat Car

Livio de Marchi is a man who's very good with wood. Very, very good. Livio's art includes necklaces, shirts, golf clubs, bags, hats, and socks made out of wood.

He's also taken to large-scale efforts. Livio has made a few life-size automobiles, including a Ferrari F50, a 1937 Jaguar, and a classic Volkswagen Beetle.

This stuff is amazing. Read on...

TransportTrends post, showing images of his wooden cars.
Livio de Marchi's virtual museum, with more details on his work.
profile on MostlyGlass.com.
Ashland Hardwood Gallery's
page, including some glass sculpture.
Another gallery page on Lievehemel.nl.

1 comment:

arzın merkezine yolculuk said...

Hii!! Yesterday its came to me a mail about wooden works and I wonder and to search in google who make this wooden works than I found your blog and I just had known Livio de Marchi. Because of that tahnk you. And I am very sory about my fucking english but I tried to write english understandable :))