Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More news, less time

A colleague at work suggested I try BlogLines, an online newsfeed/rss/blog reader. I was initially skeptical; what's wrong with visiting a few sites and reading their stories? After using this tool for just a few days, I quickly realized:
- I was spending too much time typing in web addresses and navigating sites and not reading
- I wasn't reading the news I really cared about
- I hadn't discovered web sites with news that I really wanted to read.

BlogLines covers the above quite well. And it's free. And no irritating ads or invasive signup procedures, at least for now.


sangeet said...

my only beef with it is that you miss the "environment" of the blog, if you will. not to mention it really screws with stats ;)

i personally prefer live bookmarking in firefox. you don't have to poll the site for updates, but once there is one, you can go straight to the original site.

George said...

I use it some at home - I actually haven't decided personally what I prefer. I still don't like the fact that pages render differently on Firefox than IE, with Firefox losing out on some styling (e.g. check out the lack of "chrome" gradients on the msn.com home page w/ Firefox vs. IE).