Bureaucrat #1: You know, the Federal Reserve Board is filled with stuffy old men who talk economics. How are we going to get young people engaged in the work that we do?
Bureaucrat #2: I know! Le'ts make a web site!
B1: Yes! Kids love the Internet! Just look at MySpace. They just love that web site.
B2: Great! First, we need some sort of character. Cartoon-like.
B1: How about a stuffy old man?
B2: Hmm...nah. How about an eagle?
B1: Yes! The Fed just screams eagle! How about this one?
![Drawing of an eagle](/images/eagle.gif)
B2: Perfect! Now...we need something interactive. Kids have a short attention span.
B1: How about a quiz? That way they can test themselves to see how much wonderful Fed Board knowledge they attain using our web site.
B2: Brilliant!
B1: Wow, our site kicks major butt. I can't wait to see the kids visit it and laud our efforts.
B2: From now on, the Federal Reserve Board is way cool. Groovy, some may say.
B1: Right on, my man.
You have to love the way image alt text is spelled on this site. "Governers" is systemic throughout all images' alt text, even though it's "Governors" in the regular text. For example:
![Example of misspelled alt text on image](/images/misspelling.png)
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