Tuesday, September 30, 2008


FL Studio recently announced a remix contest. The original song is "One Day" by David Latour, a bouncy dance song. My remix of it changes several things up and makes the song a fair bit darker. I submitted my remix yesterday, but I thought I'd share it here for folks to listen to. Feel free to download and listen, and let me know what you think.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Election Zeitgeist, Courtesy Of Twitter

Want to get a sense of how the (technologically-inclined, Twitter-using) electorate is feeling about the election? Head on over to Election 2008 and see what people are tweeting about.

Honestly, this is scary stuff. A 5 minute sample (actual tweets, not in the conversation per se, all said in context & uncorrected):
  • Is Biden going to live longer - he has gotten senile - old folks home in his next view - but will my taxes pay
  • under Obama, small business will have to raise their prices
  • dude my cat saw a picter of Obama and he hid for a week
  • Obama is an American terriorist
  • Because Obama is like communism great on paper
  • Joe Biden is such an utter d-bag. Also, he's entirely too bald to run this country.
  • This just in Obama, tells mainstream media he knows a Champion Snow Machiner too..
Honestly, this is like listening to gossip about a couple of kids on the grade-school playground. Why are people so flippant and shallow about their potential world leaders, especially during such a pivotal time?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Corn Lobby Is Fighting Back

Seen this ad? It's from the High-Fructose Corn Syrup people. They want to convince you that HFCS is equivalent to sugar. Nutritionally, it is. But it's certainly not "all natural" as some would like to claim.

Fact is, HFCS is a highly processed ingredient. It goes through a multi-step enzymatic process. Its processing involves, according to the CSPI, "centrifuges, hydroclones, ion-exchange columns, and buckets of enzymes." Certainly not something you can do at home with an ear of corn and a pot on the stove.

SweetSurprise.com really wants you to think otherwise. To be fair, they do summarize the process on their site. But how can this process be called "natural"? Beats me.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Straight Man Soap

Sometimes, independent retailers are the coolest. Sure, they may not have the best prices or the best availability like some big-box retailers do. But they shine in personality and novelty where the Wal-Gets and Lowe-Depots of the world don't. Here's one example.

Bliss Soaps is a small shop on Capitol Hill's Broadway strip specializing in handmade soaps and other bath & body products. We've been a couple of times before, and stopped in not too long ago because our supply of soap was getting low.

As we were meandering through the small store, picking up and sniffing literally dozens of soaps, I came upon a turquoise blue block with a sea-foam edge to it. Intrigued by the color, I picked it up and smelled it. "Wow," I proclaim, "this smells pretty good!" It didn't have a distinct aroma like a fruit or a spice, but was rather a blend of scents, kind of like a cologne. I decide to add the block to our basket.

Upon checkout, the owner sorts our selections and starts ringing them up. When he arrives at my choice, he says, "Ah! Straight man soap."

I smile, cock my head, and ask, "that's not what it's called, is it?" I hadn't noticed any name to this soap, unlike many of the others in the store.

"No, it is! Look," he says, and he punches in the product code on the sticker. The register display soon scrolls, in block letters: STRAIGHT MAN SOAP.

"Huh..." I say.

"And you like it, right?" the owner asks.

"Sure, yeah, it smells good. I'm going to use it in the shower."

"And, you're straight, right?" he says, looking over at my wife.

"Sure" I smile.

"See!" he concludes, "I know it every time. Every time a guy picks up one of these and buys it, I know they're straight. That's why I call it straight man soap!"

To which we all start laughing. We wrap up our purchases and head out, still giggling over the encounter.

I can't imagine buying soap anywhere else now. And I bet no one else has my straight man soap, for that matter.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Cupcake Royale Reveals A "Royale With Cheese"

The cupcake mavens over at Cupcake Royale have released a new cake of the month: the Royale with Cheese. In their words:
A seriously rich swirl of [cream cheese] pile high on our deliciously dark new chocolate cake Royale. Finished with a sweet sprinkling of dark chocolate curls...
Why, why is there not a Cupcake Royale near work?!